Vocation Definitions

These ten definitions can be a tool for personal reflection or communal discussion. They invite us to see the nuance and depth of understanding vocation in its’ broadest meaning. They too hopefully resonate with our experience and connect with our own personal understanding.

Ideas for Reflection

  • Review each of the quotes. Choose one that resonates with you. What does it mean? Why does it resonate with you? What gives you hope/joy/energizes you in the quote? What challenges you in this definition?
  • After reading each of the quotes. Write your own definition of vocation. If you’re in a group, share that with others.

National Vocation Awareness Week

National Vocation Awareness Week, Nov. 3-9, 2019, offers each of us the invitation to reflect on our vocation. Our vocation, God’s call, and how we respond give meaning and purpose to our lives.