Our Formation Process

An Invitation to Dream, Live & Discern Together

We see every vocation originating in experiences of a personal encounter with God, whose call to each of us desires a response to serve.

One Step, Leads to Another

Following Jesus and the example of Saint John Baptist de La Salle, as Brothers we see our development – personally, communally, intellectually, spiritually—as an ongoing conversion to the God of the poor.

Through invitation, encouragement, and being walked with, those deepening and discerning the Brothers’ vocation will have opportunities to daily discern the presence of a living God in their ministry, consecration and community.

“The most profound moment for me was when I realized that the Brothers were not asking me for a lifetime commitment from the very start. Rather, they were asking me to consider an invitation to learn more deeply what it means to be a Brother, and that they would walk with me each step of the way.”

Brother Paul Avvento, FSC

Brother Paul Avvento, FSC

Stages of Discernment & Formation

Contact Program

Contact Program

Contacts are young men who are at least of college age who discern whether God is calling them to this life of service. We encourage you to join the Contact program to take another step in your discernment.



Aspirants are young men who have completed their college degrees and who, after being in the Contact Program, want to continue discerning the Brothers’ vocation in a more intentional way. During Aspirancy, the discerner lives in a Brothers’ community for at least a year and is involved in full-time Lasallian educational ministry.



Postulants take on the title of Brother and enter a period time to prepare for the Novitiate. Such preparation includes living in a Brothers’ community, intentional formation with other Postulants around an integrated life of faith, service, and community, as well as actively participating in local Lasallian educational ministries.



The Novitiate year, part of formation for all who enter religious life, is a time of deepening and developing your life of faith, understanding of religious life. Novices engage in courses and activities that invite dialogue and reflection about their own life journeys, as well as the Catholic and Lasallian tradition and charism they will witness as vowed Brothers. At the conclusion of the Novitiate year, Brothers discern their call to profess annual (temporary) vows.

Temporary (Annual) Profession

Temporary (Annual) Profession

Brothers in this stage of formation profess annual vows, while living in a community and serving in an educational ministry. Some Brothers pursue additional studies during this stage. In support of one another, the Brothers in temporary profession gather regularly to share the successes and challenges of their lives as new Brothers.

Perpetual (Final) Profession

Perpetual (Final) Profession

Brothers who profess Perpetual (final) vows, conclude their time of initial formation and enter a lifelong commitment to the Brothers’ vocation. This public statement in the presence of God, the Brothers, and the Church tells all who gather the desire to continue to participate in the community life and educational ministry of the Brothers of the Christian Schools throughout their life.

Hear From Our Discerners & Brothers

Aspirant – Zach
Postulant – Brother Carter
Temporary Professed – Brother Rafael
Final Vows – Brother Javier

Consider Discerning with Us

Contact a Vocation Director and see if discerning with us is a fit for you.