Novena for Vocations

Loving God, You speak to us and nourish us through our ministry, community and prayer. Help us to give constant witness to your love and thereby inspire others to serve you as Brothers of the Christian Schools.

May those who open their hearts to you, especially our Contacts and Aspirants, be strengthened by your love, encouraged by our example, and responsive to our invitation to consider joining us in our commitment.

We pray this in the name of Jesus your Son, our Lord and our Brother. Amen.

Loving God, you gift us with life. Through baptism you have called us to new life. May we be a sign of your love in the world. We pray that you will continue to fill women and men with an abundance of courage to follow the path you set before them today.

May those who feel compelled to serve as lay ministers, brothers, sisters, and priests be blessed with passion and vision to make the world a better place.

We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Sister Marie Scott, CSA

We believe that it is you yourself who have called us to live in community and that it is you who have obliged us to inspire your love in the hearts of those entrusted to our care. We entreat you, God of hearts, to make our hearts move us toward oneness in the heart of our brother Jesus.

May our passion for our vocation be palatable to others, such that they live their vocation more deeply, and that some are moved to join us in our common life of prayer and service through education. Amen.

–Adaptation of Called to Be Brother Prayer. 2011-2012

Good and gracious God, you have called us through our baptism and our common Lasallian commitment to be attentive to your vocational call within us, within those entrusted to our care, within each other in community.

May your voice speak within our hearts so that we may be your voice to others, and they, in turn, can hear your vocational call within them.

Give them courage to respond to your call so that, in the example of Saint John Baptist De La Salle, they give themselves totally to the work of Christ and his Church. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Father, creator and ruler of the universe, You enrich Your Church with the gifts of lives freely given in dedicated service.

Through this generous example, touch the hearts of many others to follow Your call, that future generations, too, may experience the joy of coming to know Your word and responding in faith as a Brother, Sister, priest, deacon, or dedicated lay minister. Amen.

We thank you, Lord, for giving us the means of entering into a close relationship with you, of following you, and being empowered by the Holy Spirit to spread your message of love and hope.

May our community be a sign of life and hope, especially for young people. May we live our life in a way that invites, welcomes, supports, and nurtures their developing vocations.

May we be part of that nurturing and may we be particularly attentive to those young people sensing a call to life as a Lasallian educator and those young men sensing a call to the life of the Brothers.

–Adapted from the Vocation Prayer of the PARC Vocations Workshop, 2003

God, our Creator, daily you call each of us to respond to your love. Your call is life giving and you ask us to give life. Your call is nurturing and You ask us to grow. Your call is ever faithful and you ask us to believe. As You call us to unity, help us to be the church You ask us to be. As You call us to discipleship help us to grow in our love of your Son. As You call us to love, send us Your Spirit that we might know Your way.

Through the intercession of San Miguel we ask that you speak loudly Your call to us and those You call to join us in our Institute. Give us and them the strength to respond as Jesus did. Amen.

For Guidance in Vocation

Heavenly Father, You have created me to fulfill a task which nobody else but I can do.

Enlighten me, O Lord, to know my vocation in life. Give me courage and strength to follow it, so that, whatever You want me to be and to do, I, like the prophet, may say, “Here am I, Lord, send me!”

–District of Colombo

For Today’s Youth

O Holy Virgin Mary, to you we commend the young people, the youth called to follow your Son closely. You know the difficulties, the struggles and obstacles to be faced. Help them to answer as you did “Yes” to the divine call. Draw them near you that you may imbue them with your spirit of self-sacrifice, so that they may understand the joy and beauty of being called by your Son.

O Holy Virgin Mary, may we see in our own days the wonders of the mysterious action of the Holy Spirit! Amen.

–District of Colombo

On the 25th of the Month

The Brothers and Partners of the District of Eastern North America pray for vocations using this shared prayer.

National Vocation Awareness Week

National Vocation Awareness Week, Nov. 7-13, 2021, offers each of us the invitation to reflect on our vocation. Our vocation, God’s call, and how we respond give meaning and purpose to our lives.