
Retreat for Young Teacher Professionals

"Called to Teach, Invitation to Brotherhood" retreat will invite men who currently are teachers to explore their vocation as educators through the lens of the Brothers' vocation. The retreat will provide an opportunity for prayer, reflection, conversation and community together with others looking to deepen their vocation as educators and open to exploring the call […]

FSC Days of Discernment

A discernment retreat, for college-aged Contacts with the Brothers. Learn more about the contact program and connect with us. 

National Catholic Youth Conference

National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry Indianapolis, IN

As Brothers of the Christian Schools (De La Salle Christian Brothers), we’re excited to participate in the vibrant expression of Church that is young people together at NCYC. We’re looking forward to sharing about our vocation as Brothers, who evangelize through the ministry of education with young people. Excited to reconnect and see Lasallian students […]

Blessed Scubilion Rousseau

He was a catechist in his hometown when introduced to the Brothers, who had a school in a nearby town. Brother Scubilion spent 10 years as an elementary school teacher in his home country of France, then spent the remainder of his life (34 years) serving the indigenous people who were enslaved on the island […]

Blessed Scubilion Rousseau

He was a catechist in his hometown when introduced to the Brothers, who had a school in a nearby town. Brother Scubilion spent 10 years as an elementary school teacher in his home country of France, then spent the remainder of his life (34 years) serving the indigenous people who were enslaved on the island […]

Blessed Arnold Reche

Born to a large family, as a boy he worked as a farmer to support his family. He taught catechism in the village he was from. As a young adult, he met the Brothers while attending evening classes in their school and was attracted to their life. As a Brother, he taught agriculture, yet his […]

Blessed Brother Rafael Rafiringa, FSC

Brother Rafael Rafiringa devoted his life to serving others as a De La Salle Brother in Madagascar. He faced challenges but remained committed to his mission of providing education to children and young people, especially those from marginalized backgrounds. His dedication and faith inspired many, and his legacy of compassion and service continues to be […]

Laudato Si Week

Laudato Si’ Week 2023 will be celebrated by the Church May 21-28 with the film “The Letter” to mark the eighth anniversary of Pope Francis’ landmark encyclical on care for creation. This global celebration will unite Catholics to rejoice in the progress we have made in bringing Laudato Si’ to life, and show how the […]